


HGI’s newest and fastest resistivity data acquisition system is called Geotection and is highly effective at imaging fluid movement within a dynamic event.  Geotection is particularly well suited for monitoring events that happen quickly, where three-dimensional imaging is desired, or for leak detection of very high risk containment systems such as underground storage tanks, levees and dams, landfills, pond liners, and other similar mechanisms.

Click on the image below to read about HGI’s characterization work and Geotection on the Hanford Nuclear Reservation in the Washington River Protections  weekly publication ‘Solutions’.

Geotection in Solutions Article

Solutions publication.

Geotection, HGI’s newest and fastest resistivity data acquisition system, offers the following features:


  • High temporal and spatial resolution

    Tools Geotection_Trailer

    Geotection Trailer at Colorado Mine

  • Near real-time information on solution migration
  • Modularity (making maintenance and upgrades fast and cost effective)
  • Full control over acquisition parameters
  • Remote operations
  • Internal climate control
  • Powered from generator or AC
  • Safety alarms with SMS messaging
  • Enough leg room to work, eat, and sleep


Time lapse resistivity monitoring (from Geotection) of a subsurface injection used to enhance recovery of copper.  The injection occurred on four wells simultaneously at a rate of 1500 gpm.


Speed: With up to 180 channels, the system is capable of a full measurement sweep in less than 20 minutes, producing 32,220 individual measurements.

Accuracy: HGI strives for high data quality, exacting measurements, and repeatability in resistivity acquisition.  Repeatability tests of Geotection data consistently reveal a coefficient of variation (COV) of around 0.005 ohms allowing the system to achieve a near perfect accuracy after calibration.


Tools Geotection_LDM Trailer 2

HGI’s GeotectionTM Resistivity Monitoring System Illustration

Safety is a top priority and the Geotection system is UL compliant and has passed National Electric Code (NEC) inspection.  In addition, we have incorporated hardware and software controls to detect accidental breaks in sensor cabling using low voltage testing prior to every measurement.  Geotection will automatically suspend activity to any cables/sensors where a break is detected, while continuing with measurements on the remaining sensors.  The system is equipped with an internal alert monitoring system which automatically reports (via email or text messaging) any abnormal conditions that include: monitoring start/end, door entry, loss of power, manual sensor disconnect override, internal climate control failures, and power supply failures.

Industrial Modular Design:


Modular Design Illustration

The power output is rated for 800W with full control over waveforms, stacking, duty cycle, and contact resistance thresholds.  The receiver design includes channel-specific tunable signal conditioning boards to ensure the cleanest data possible.  The software is controlled using Labview, an industry leading software control system, that allows the creation of customized acquisition software to ensure relevant parameters are measured and recorded.  The Geotection system features an intuitive sequencing of electrode combinations with multiple sequence files running in an order set by the user based on priority.  Data are written to a database for easy access, real-time plotting, and extraction for inverse modeling.


Tools Geotection_Inside Trailer

Operator inside Geotection

The system is housed in a climate controlled trailer that can be temporarily, or permanently, deployed at a project using site or generator supplied power.  Geotection includes a large backup power supply that prevents data loss due to power failures or during changes or maintenance of generators. The trailer is climate controlled using independent heating and cooling systems, and is equally at home in cold winter climates as hot summer months.

Remote Operations:

Geotection is equipped with an array of communication equipment including point-to-point relay, satellite and cellular communication devices that allow remote operations in remote locations.

Quality Assurance:

Geotection was designed and fabricated under an NQA-1 quality assurance program that includes complete drawing sets, auditable software, and NIST-traceable calibration.



Geotection Relay Module

All hardware systems have been designed using a modular construction housed in aluminum cases for superior longevity and thermal properties.  In fact, all modules and sub systems can be serviced using two Philips head strew drivers.  Internal cabling terminations use unique connectors making incorrect cable connections impossible.  Our flagship long term deployment of a Geotection based system at the US DOE Hanford Nuclear Site has a 99.9% up time and has been operating 24/7 for over a year.



Click here to View/Download Geotection technical specifications PDF.

Assurance Monitoring

Underground Infrastructure

Permanent Monitoring
