Leak Detection Resources
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Pond Liner Leak Location Study
HGI has been advancing the field of leak detection and location in HDPE lined ponds, landfills, and heap leaches using electrical methods for over 18 years.

Pipiline Leak Location
Surface-based geophysical methods are routinely used in industry for the purposes of non-intrusive detection and mapping of pipeline leaks.

U.S. NRC Early Leak Detection Report
Concerns about inadvertent releases of radioactive liquids to the environment from nuclear power plants have prompted consideration of ways

Floridas Industrial Pond Leak
HGI‘s chief technical officer Dr. Dale Rucker has been receiving interview requests to hear his assessment of the leak at the wastewater pond near Tampa, Florida.

Bare Liner Leak Location Surveys
For more than 40 years, a unique electric leak location method has been the go-to technique for finding leaks in nonpermeable geosynthetic liners at industrial facilities worldwide.

Electric Liner Leak Location For Industrial Ponds
Currently, one of the most widely used methods for finding breaches in impermeable geomembranes is the Electric Leak Location method (ELL)

Hydrogeophysics Liner Leak Location Pinpointing Industrial Pond Liner Leaks
An unfortunate but simple truth about industrial geosynthetic liners (impermeable engineered geomembranes and HDPE sheets) is that most will eventually leak.

Early -Lleak Detection External To Structures At Nuclear Power Plants
As of November 1999, you may electronically access NUREG-series publications and other NRC records at NRC’s Public Electronic Reading Room

Leak Detection Technical Memo
HydroGEOPHYSICS Inc. (HGI) has been advancing the field of leak detection and location in HDPE lined ponds, landfills, and heap leaches.