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Who we are and What we do

Dr. Rucker publishes latest work on validating long electrode ERT
The long electrode method uses steel cased wells for passing electrical current or measuring the resulting electrical field potential. In this latest work, we set out to validate the methodology by conducting a pilot scale
HGI launches a new website and service – Leak Detection
HGI launches a new website and service called – Leak Detection Services! HGI takes leak detection seriously and a significant portion of our business comes from understanding where leaks have
Columbia Energy Acquires HGI
hydroGEOPHYSICS, Inc. (HGI) was purchased by Columbia Energy & Environmental Services, Inc. (Columbia Energy) in November of 2009. Columbia Energy and HGI had been teaming partners, since

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HGI Presents at joint SEG-AGU Hydrogeophysics Workshop

WRPS highlights HGI in its weekly magazine ‘Solutions’.
HGI’s “Surface Geophysical Exploration” technology was featured in the July 29 issue of ‘Solutions’, a weekly publication of highlights and progress of the Hanford Tank Operations Contractor,…
Dr. Jim Fink Founder & Chief Scientist at Hydrogeophysics Inc. Retires
HGI at Biosphere 2
HGI Speaks at Liner Leak Location Training for Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ)
HGI’s Shawn Calendine and Chris Baldyga were featured speakers at a training presentation for the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ). The ADEQ presentation focused on methods...
Dr. Jim Fink Founder & Chief Scientist at Hydrogeophysics Inc. Retires
HGI launches a new website and service – Leak Detection
HGI launches a new website and service called – Leak Detection Services! HGI takes leak detection seriously and a significant portion of our business comes from understanding where leaks
Columbia Energy Acquires HGI
hydroGEOPHYSICS, Inc. (HGI) was purchased by Columbia Energy & Environmental Services, Inc. (Columbia Energy) in November of 2009.

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