Brown Bag Lunch & Learn



Washington Office

1806 Terminal Dr.
Richland, WA 99354

Phone: 509.946.7111
Toll Free: +1 866.647.3315
Fax: 509.946.9365

Arizona Office

2302 North Forbes Boulevard
Tucson, AZ 85745

Phone: 520.647.3315
Toll Free: +1 866.647.3315
Fax: 520.647.3428

HGI offers Lunch & Learn Seminars throughout the Continental United States

The seminars allow our knowledgeable staff to help contractors, and engineers understand geophysical applications as possible project solutions.

Our staff is passionate about geophysics and the services we provide.  We enjoy working with firms to build awareness of geophysical options for complex engineering challenges.   Ultimately, it is our goal that these seminars provide resourceful problem-solving and value engineering through continued geophysical service education.

For further information on HGI’s Lunch & Learn Seminars and to find out how to bring a seminar to your firm, please fill in your contact information: